Monday 24 November 2014


So, I think this mostly raw, whole food diet, might just be working for me?  Honestly I have never felt better in my life... I have lost 25 pounds and I get daily comments about how healthy I look and how much younger than my actual age I look! Gotta love it!

So, how did I get here?

I have always wanted to be a healthy, organic, happy, human. But, I have to admit I doubted myself for years and hid behind the safety of those "few" extra pounds. I think the initial "wake up" was after the breakup of my 16 year marriage about three years ago. At first I was LOST, I had compromised myself to the point that I didn't even know who I was anymore. With nothing to loose but weight and future illness, I dove into a healthier lifestyle. I had always maintained daily exercise and a "balanced" diet, but its not enough. I had to stop poisoning myself and my kids with non-organic foods, chemical additives, wheat, dairy and cruelly raised meat. Once I got over this and my Carb addiction, I started working towards self love, whole food, and continued with regular exercise. The results are amazing!

The final turning point for me was a 10 day juice feast last December in an attempt to get out of my depressed mood, it reset my body and I felt amazing. I had juiced before but never to this degree.  It was hard, but I did it! From that point on I have made whole-food my life...

I have been 100% wheat free for four months (on and off for years), I eat little to no dairy and I am juicing or making a daily smoothie or two and eating mostly raw foods! Salads, salads, salads, nuts, seeds, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, supplements and super-foods. And WATER...lots of water!

I love my healthy, happy lifestyle and I cant imagine going back to eating anything close to the typical North American diet again!

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