Friday, 27 March 2015

Please watch how our food is made...

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

We are so lucky, March 11th and the garden is blooming!
Nettle Coconut Smoothie

Handful of fresh nettles (never actually handle the nettle, they sting! use tongues)
Handful of fresh spinach
Organic Nettles
Splash of coconut milk
½ cup water
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp hemp oil
½ avocado
½ apple
1/8 cup shredded organic unsweetened coconut
sprinkle of cinnamon
sprinkle of nutmeg
maca powder
1 scoop Enerex
Blend until creamy and enjoy J

This is my new favourite smoothie! It is alive, very energizing and full of good fats, Vitamin K,  and vitamin C.